Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Skin Care: Turn Back the Clock - or Just Your Wallet

May 07, 2019

Your skin is a very clever organ. No matter which in the arsenal of developments in anti aging skin care products are proudly emblazoned on the bottle and in the marketing literature, your skin knows the truth. And whilst it may play the game for a little while, plumping up nicely to give the <i>appearance</i> of looking younger, more even, and less lined, this is only a temporary, somewhat <i>cosmetic</i> ruse. It is actually a biological trick of the light, a chimeraic nod to the quest for youth. Don't be fooled.

Skin care is big business. And there's nothing wrong with that. But whilst its highly entertaining to browse through the shelves and try out the latest pedigree of skin cream, these foot soldiers in the war on wrinkles meet a somewhat tenacious and uncooperative foe in our skin.

Our skin. This multi-layered emissary to the outside world, bearer of our expressions, our joys, our grief. Guard against the invisible tide of micro-organisms that seek to infiltrate our body's first defence against disease and infection. This complex array of cells that every month regenerate and shed, within the constraints of age and the quality of our diet. Our skin is a hard worker and much unappreciated. Often barely nourished despite the money spent on technological promises, we still hope the dream of youth slipping away will be restored.

There is a way to slow the process of aging. But not by applying high tech anti aging creams. By understanding exactly what our skin is, we can find better ways of giving it what it needs. And consequently, we will find ourselves with what we want - more youthful skin.

Our skin is composed of 3 main layers. The outside layer that we apply our anti aging skin care products to is the epidermis. This in turn has 4 to 5 layers, depending on where it is in the body, and whether there is a lot of hair on it. The top layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum, serves as a barrier. This is where the cells are continually shedding and where new cells are ultimately pushed up to. These cells have no blood supply, and hence no nutrients or oxygen carried in the blood reach these cells. They are essentially dead in that they cannot engage in the metabolic processes that living cells do. But they do serve very important functions. By creating an impenetrable barrier, they keep out bacteria and other micro organisms, and are thus part of the immune system. But this very function also serves to keep out most of the expensive ingredients in anti aging treatments. And no matter how well an ingredient performs in a laboratory test tube, that does not necessarily translate to reaching the deeper layers of your skin, where the real anti aging work takes place. Most skin care products work only on the stratum corneum, and that is their downfall as anti aging secret agents.

The next layer down from the top is the dermis. This is the layer where wrinkles develop. The dermis consists of living cells, and they are responsible for the structure, integrity and elasticity of the skin. Here collagen is regenerated whilst existing collagen is broken down in the monthly cellular cycle. The production of collagen slows with age and factors like smoking, sun exposure, stress and inadequate nutrition. Other skin nutrients like elastin and hyaluronic acid are found here. Hyaluronic acid for example, helps hold water. As the dermis is composed of living cells, it has a blood supply, which transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells. These capillaries also transport cellular wast like carbon dioxide away. Here you'll also find lymph vessels, sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles, and nerve endings for heat and cold.

Fibers from the dermis extend down and into the next main layer, the subcutaneous layer. They anchor the skin to it. The subcutaneous layer in turn attaches to organs like bone and muscles underneath. Here are nerve endings that are sensitive to pressure, blood, lymph vessels, fat cells, collagen and elastin. The subcutaneous layer thins as we age, which creates a more angular appearance.

Moisturizers achieve their temporary effect by trapping water already in the skin. They essentially act as a seal, they do not provide additional water or 'moisture'. The few products that actually work on the deeper layers of the skin are the Retin-A skin care treatments. Vitamin C, though popular, has not conclusively demonstrated that it can reach the deeper layers, the dermis. And even if it did, there is not enough evidence that it actually does anything there.

But the news is not all bad. We can do something, and its not rocket science. If we supply the skin with the nutrients it needs, with good, fresh fruit and vegetables, and good quality fats and protein, or even supplements as a boost. Then, and only then, will we stall the clock at a more agreeable hour.

1. Tortura & Grabowski, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Ed. (Harper Collins)<br>
2. E Angyal, Gorgeous Skin (Lothian Books)

Skin Care - The Perfect Way To Care For Your Skin

May 07, 2019

Everywhere I go people are asking me what is the pure skin care plan to follow? Is there even such a thing? Sorry to disappoint you, but if there is such a thing, I don't know what it is.

Let me be the first to say, that there is no perfect anything in this world let alone skincare routines. It varies greatly between individuals. There are so many components that come into play such as the person's skin type, whether they have acne, blemishes, or any other skin marks or conditions, etc.

Another thing that may affect a person's selection in skin care products is whether they have undergone a surgical procedure of sorts recently. If you are taking other skin care products at the moment, sometimes the preparations will clash with other products.

If you are a adult female and you are in the premenstrual stages, it may also affect your skin to varying degrees. Another thing to consider is the seasonal changes and the differences in requirements that these changes bring with it.

For instance, skincare in the winter time is majorly different from the summer's. During the winter times your skin will probably be more dry or normal and you will most likely need to use moisturizers to keep your skin soft.

And during the summer months you will need to worry about things such as tanning lotion and using cleansers and exfoliators to clean off sweat and debris that gathers up when you are in movement.

Some people opt for vitamin C formulations to improve the health and youthfulness of their skin while others may use glycolic acid if there are signs of blackheads appearing. Salicylic acid is an option individuals use during the four stages of a menstrual cycle. Generally speaking, try using exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and to make room for new skins to grow out.

As you can probably tell by now, there are a wide selection of skin care products on the market catering to every imaginable need. The most important thing is to sit down and ask yourself what you need now, and also in terms of prevention of things like wrinkles or blemishes in the future.

It is suggested to speak with your dermatologist before following any skin care routine. Also you should take counsel with a professional if you plan on changing your routine very often or seasonally. This way you can save time, money, and also prevent any number of mistakes and mishaps that could adversely affect your skin- rendering all your efforts outdated.

Redken | Tressa | Tigi | Scruples | Joico | Biosilk | Hinoki

May 07, 2019

with their hair. Those with straight hair want beautiful curls, who are blessed with curls and wavy hair, want it straight and thick and so on. They are always in search of a better hair care product. As a matter of fact, you will not find a single female who has complete satisfaction about her hair.

Selecting right products for a specific type of hair is not an easy task. You need to spend on time in reading your requirements, the kind of product you are looking for and then look for right ingredients of the product.

Choose a high-quality reputed shampoos and conditioners. Thing to be kept in mind is that Invest in high-quality moisturizing shampoos and conditioners.  The thing about curls is that curls are dehydrated and need more moisture than any other hair type. So, it becomes very important to keep these hair well-conditioned and hydrated. Go for shampoos from brands like Iso hair, Joico, Abba hair, Ag Hair Product, Fudge Hair, Graham Webb, Tigi, Abba hair products that offer a wide range of moisturizing shampoos and conditioners. Avoid using transparent shampoos and should select thickly opaque ones as they are not that drying.

Another important thing is that you should treat your hair very gently and delicately. There is an art of shampooing too. While shampooing, don’t rub your scalp harshly. Don’t make vigorous finger movements; instead gently massage the scalp using your fingertips in round movements. Leave the Alfaparf, Hinoki, Nailtiques, Nioxin, Tigi, Scruples, Tressa shampoo for 2-3 minutes on the scalp and then rinse it. Its good to comb your hair before shampoo as it will detangle and arrange the hair properly. Pick a gentle and soft brush that will not damage the hair as well as scalp. Even if you use best quality hair product, it yields the maximum results when you use it in the best appropriate manner. Never forget to use a conditioner after shampoo. It is must for long curly hair.

Beside a regular shampoo and conditioner, you should also do a fortnightly deep conditioning treatment. Either you can go for hot oil treatment or can opt for hair mask for better results. After shampoo, apply hair mask all over and cover it with a shower cap. Dip a towel in the hot water and rinse little bit and wrap this towel around the cap. Leave it for at least an hour.

You can use these project for healthy curly hair Abba hair, Ag Hair Product, Fudge Hair, Graham Webb, Tigi, Alfaparf, Hinoki, Nailtiques, Nioxin, Tigi, Scruples, Tressa, Redken, Tressa, Tigi, Scruples, Joico, Biosilk, Hinoki, Murad skin care, Phyto organics, Sebastian Hair Product, Zerran, Trevor Sorbie, KMS Hair Product, Kiss me mascara, Paul Brown Hawaii, Back to Basics Shampoo & Pureology.

With this, you should take a good, nutritional diet. Don’t use harsh hair products as they can cause some serious harm to your hair. Drink plenty of water. You will realize that you are able to manage your long curls with a much ease and can be proud of possessing those beautiful waves.  For more information about these beauty products, log in to-www.sleekhair.com

Recommended You To Use After-Before Breast Enhancement

May 07, 2019

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about After-Before Breast Enhancement in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make.

For a woman who is contemplating breast enlargement, the first thing that comes to mind after deciding on the surgery is whether to increase the size of your breasts by one bra cup size, or whether to aim for a higher cup size. Therefore, selecting a size of breast implant that you would like the surgeon to place inside your chest is an important decision. It is recommended you to use after-before breast enhancement pictures to make your decision.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of After-Before Breast Enhancement. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

Every female who would like to breast enlargement might already be thinking of her dream breast size. She might be aware that her A-cup bra size chest is too small for her height and frame, thus making her self-conscious. Some women joke about looking at other women's chest in order to determine what size they would like. But every skilled plastic surgeon would have after-before breast enhancement pictures of previous breast enlargement surgeries they have completed. It is suggested that you not only browse through these after-before breast enhancement pictures to get an idea of the size you like, but also to view how skilled the doctor may be.

A bra size is achieved by taking two measurements. The first measurement that is determined involves placing the measuring tape around the area under your breasts. Five inches is added to this number and this will give you the width of the bra you should buy, e.g. 32, 34, 36. The second measurement taken is around the widest part of the chests. Subtracting these two measurements and looking on a standard chart will give your cup size, which can range from AA to DD or higher. Therefore, based on this information and looking at after-before breast enhancement pictures, you should be able to decide if it is a good idea to move from an AA cup size to a DD cup size.

Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (Natural Plant Estrogen). After many years of research from Thailand, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

* Increases sensitivity and vitality

* Promotes silky shiny hair

* Enhances breast and skin appearance

* Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

* Enhances physical and mental ability

* Serves as a fountain of youth

That's how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.
To Free Natural breast enhancement BREAST SPRAY $40 at http://www.breast-enhancement-natural-enlargement.com/

Monday, May 6, 2019

Reasons For Preferring Indoor Tanning

May 06, 2019

Getting a tan, nowadays, is no longer a cosmetic undertaking. A considerable number of people believe that a tan not only makes a person look healthy, but also makes them have stronger and healthier bones. A person who has tanned skin or regularly uses a tanning bed has been found to have bones that are denser and sturdier. Whereas a person who lacks exposure to either direct sunlight or ultraviolet radiation suffers from a lack of vitamin D.

Obtaining a gorgeously tanned olive skin can be done in two different ways. A person may either lounge directly under the sun or get inside a tanning bed. Not all people, however, have direct access to the sun. And then there is winter, a season not at all conducive to staying out and soaking in the sunlight. Thus, people resort to tanning beds. Tanning beds give them a great tan and, at the same time, help them stay warm amidst the cold season.

Yet, even when a person lives in a place where there is a hot sun all year round, he may still choose to use a tanning bed instead of spending a day at the beach. One major reason for choosing indoor tanning over outdoor tanning is the precious thing called privacy. Even with the permissive society, some people are still uneasy wearing skimpy swimwear. If these people wear swimwear at all, the design is conservative. Thus, when exposed to the sun, they will have undesirable tan lines.

To avoid the tan lines, the best recourse a person can do is to lie naked under the sun. But the desire for privacy is so strong that the next best thing is to use a tanning bed. Indoor tanning provides the overall tan and the privacy.

Indoor tanning also gives psychological benefits. Aside from the increased confidence of knowing that a person looks good, he can also take the opportunity to have a break from the dizzying everyday bustle. While having the tanning session, he can stay away from cell phones and pagers. The tanning session can be one blessed, undisturbed twenty minutes of peace and warmth. Such a relaxing break will help reduce whatever stress a person is currently carrying on his shoulders. And after the tanning session, he will be more ready and invigorated to meet the demands of his work and of his social life.

This completely restful session cannot be achieved when one chooses to tan outdoors. There will always be people milling around and several strangers asking for directions.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Recovery After Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, or Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery Procedures

May 05, 2019

One of the most important concerns of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles men and women who are considering plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck, or breast augmentation is the extent of recovery time after cosmetic surgery. With our hectic lives, busy work schedule, and never ending family responsibilities, men and women want to know:
1. When can they go back to work?
2. When can they go back to the Gym?
3. How soon can they care for their small children?
4. How bad is the pain from surgery?
5. When can they drive?
6. How soon can they travel?
7. How soon can they have sex?
8. How soon can they wear certain types of cloths?
The answer to these important questions about plastic surgery recovery depends on the type of surgery, the involved body parts, multiplicity of the procedures, family support structure, and the extent of work or home responsibilities.
In the following section, Dr. Younai describes the approximate recovery course and restrictions for a variety of plastic surgery procedures, for patients in southern California, including those from Beverly Hills and Los Angeles.
Recovery after liposuction: Tumescent, laser, ultrasonic.
Liposuction is a relatively easy procedure to recover from, mainly because there are no large incisions, and the surgery is superficial. Liposuction can be performed on the neck/face, arms, chest, breasts, abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles. The pain and recovery time of liposuction is similar to that of a bad muscle bruise sustained during a motor vehicle accident. Most patients take a week or less of recovery before returning to work after liposuction. There are no restrictions with respect to exercise and you may return to your exercise routine as you feel comfortable. Likewise, there are no restrictions with lifting, pushing, pulling or taking care of young children; although, most people can not do strenuous house work for about 4 days. Most patients are able to drive within a week; however this also depends on the areas of liposuction. For example, it is harder to steer if you had liposuction of the arms. When it comes to sex there is no restrictions as long a you are comfortable!
Especially in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, most patients are eager to know when they can wear that especial outfit for that special party or event. After liposuction you will be wearing a girdle for about six weeks. Despite this, most of your regular cloths should fit comfortably over it. After the first three weeks, if you are planning to wear revealing cloths or dresses, you don’t have to wear your girdle during that time. Finally, there are no travel restrictions.
Recovery after Tummy Tuck, Abdominoplasty, Body Lift, or Belt Lipectomy,
Tummy tuck, abdominoplasty, or body lift, involves removing the hanging abdominal skin fold, along with tightening the abdominal muscles. The pain and recover of a tummy tuck is similar to that of a c-section or hysterectomy. Most women in Los Angeles or Beverly Hills take about two weeks for recovery before returning to work. Because of tightening of the abdominal muscles patients can not do any heavy lifting or straining at home, work, or the Gym for about eight weeks. You can do power walking or bicycling in 2-3 weeks. You can also have sex in 2-3 weeks as long as you don’t strain your abdominal muscles for 6-8 weeks. Most cloths or pants will be somewhat tight around the waist for about 4-6 weeks due to the normal post-operative swelling. There are no travel restrictions as long as you don’t use a public pool or Jacuzzi for three weeks.
Recovery after Breast Augmentation with implants
Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. Breast enlargement involves insertion of a Saline or Silicone Breast Implant under the Pectoralis chest muscle. The pain associated with breast augmentation is due to the stretching of the Pectoralis muscle by the underlying breast implant. Most women describe heavy pressure over their chests. Because of this moving the arms, especially above the shoulders is uncomfortable for two weeks. Most women take off one week from work after breast augmentation. You can do lower body exercises in one week and should refrain from lifting heavy objects for the first 2-3 weeks. Likewise, I don’t recommend driving for one week. You may have sex at any time as long that your breasts don’t get manipulated for the first 5 weeks. There are no travel restrictions as long as you don’t get your breasts wet in a public pool or a Jacuzzi for 4 weeks.
Usually, augmentopexy, or breast lift plus augmentation, is more painful than just breast augmentation, and the recover is the same.
During your consultation, Dr. Younai will review your treatment options for plastic surgery procedures, including the pros and cons of each technique, potential risks and complications, recovery course, pre- and post-operative instructions, and esthetic outcomes. There are also many before and after pictures and high resolution images of these procedures available in our photo gallery (www.beautifulfigure.com )

Real spells that work? The truth about REAL white witchcraft spells.

May 05, 2019
Author: Ashra Enchantments
When people think of powerful love spells and energy influence, they think witch craft supplies of scented pillar candles, hogwarts, magic voodoo love spell dust or secret love potions being made over a black leaky cauldron. For thousands of years, civilization has relied on real spell knowledge, energy influence and herb medicine. The truth is that real wicca practice and ancient Egyptian spell work is nothing like the movies.

We are all connected through an energy network that links our spirituality, metaphysical and paranormal experiences. Through this network, those with an inherited gift and psychic ability can pass through time to gain a reading on your future. This same energy network influences what will come to be and can be altered through white magic. These charmed spells normally are passed through generations of shadow books.

There are many people that laugh at new age remedies. They have problems, but never seek the spiritual path. They hear the word pagan, occult or psychic powers and decide to run. Most people don’t believe working with energy can help overcome a love, money, or health problem. Why then are their so many people turning to these solutions instead of health products?

Through my natural gift and ancient Egyptian witchcraft practice, I have helped many through energy influence and my spells. The truth about white magic is that it must be cast from the heart in a genuine fashion to truly work. There are only certain individuals who have the psychic sight to guide spells that work.

How do you use black magic or white magic to get a soulmate back? Is there even a way for you to learn witchcraft on your own? These questions come into my email more and more. My answer: There are many spells that can be performed by an individual and are within the reach of the average beginner witch craft. I have several witchcraft spell books on my website that will help those who want to learn the art. They have all been written by myself and have been followed up with spell reviews. If you feel you have “mind over matter” and a natural psychic ability then check them out.

I believe that in our culture and society, there will always be resistance when you speak of fortune tellers or spell casting. We won’t see people saying, “I just had a spell cast upon me.” This will be your own spiritual journey and you must seek happiness from within the enchantment of your soul. There are many mainstream religions that teach you about the inner aura for a reason.

Cast a spell? If you believe in spell casting or psychics, then you are halfway to understanding your own spiritual guidance path. This isn’t about some tarot card reader sitting you down or some commercial psychic. When you have a spell casted by someone with clairvoyant insight, then there you receive accurate and powerful results. If you get a white spell cast by just anyone, they it floats in the air and you are wasting money on conjures that don’t work.

Those who have yet to experience energy influence should really try it. Many to date have had financial problems or personal debt are looking for financial freedom and to get themselves all out of debt. There are many success stories about using money spells to accomplish this in a matter of months. You can stop credit card debit from ruling your life.

There have been many who seek help for relationship problems using spells. If you need love advice on relationship problems then I invite you to speak with me. Everyone has experienced communication problems that need to be fixed – just a matter of how. I listen to many cases for free and provide good remedies using energy influence. Love spells do work and can be effective for long term relationships. The secret to white magik is trusting someone that can conjure with genuine feelings. There have been many people wanting to learn witchcraft from me that just don’t have the real heart or connection for solving problems. The “how to” is their issue.

If you are looking to improve your love life, attract a new love, or improve the sex relationship consider white magic. Make sure you choose someone that genuinely cares about your well being. If you can open your mind to magic spells and spiritual solutions then lasting change can happen. Getting out of debit, attracting more money, or a serious relationship needs to be handled by a professional to get results. You need to know the truth about real magic and that is that is must be done by someone who truly cares.

Why just decide to end a relationship or stop building a relationship because there are a couple sex problems? Decide to see the truth about your spirituality and understand how real spells work.

© Spell Enchantments 2006.

Ashra: Renown clairvoyant psychic, spell caster and Akychi Master. She specializes in paranormal, metaphysical and Egyptian witchcraft energy influence to turn people's dreams into reality. Owner of Spell Enchantments, her success in future predictions and love spells has earned place rank of eBay's #1 Psychic and published recognition worldwide.
Website: Free Love Spells .ca