Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sculpturing the Body, the Hope From Liposculpture

Liposculpture is a term that is growing among expert cosmetic surgeons to describe liposuction that is done with smaller instruments and specialized treatments to not only make the process more efficient, but to also speed the healing process.   Think of liposculpture as the next evolution of basic liposuction.

Liposculpture is a way of improving body contour without noticeable scars.  Large amounts of fat are removed through a very small skin, usually less than a quarter inch.  This is a little rougher than non-invasive cosmetic surgeries, though recovery is still much faster than it used to be.  When fat deposits are proving extremely resistant to diet or exercise, liposculpture can help re-shape your silhouette.

The fat cells removed by liposculpture do not come back.  The benefits of liposculpture are long lasting, as long as a healthy lifestyle follows, which includes exercise and a proper diet.  This is very important because although the removed fat cells don’t come back, an unhealthy life style can produce the old problems all over again.  Virtually any part of the body can be treated, from thighs to legs to stomach to sides to back, and it is a very effective treatment, but you still need to take care of business afterwards.

Liposculpture is increasingly popular among men.  Everyone wants the image that is imagined with a healthy life style, and liposculpture is especially successful for areas specific to men such as love handles, stomach, chin, and chest, which even exercise and healthy habits may not be able to fix to their satisfaction.

If you choose to have this surgery, there will most likely be soreness and bruising.  How long and how heavy this is varies from person to person, but it should resolve itself out within 3 weeks, if not before.  There are a few things you can do to help expediate the process, including warm baths and gentle massages.  Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results the next day, it actually takes several weeks before you can clearly see the end results of the cosmetic procedure.

This brings the question of is Liposculpture For You?  Cosmetic surgery, like any surgery, has its risks.  You should always ask a doctor about these before undergoing the procedure.  If satisfied with the answers, then maybe this is the right treatment for you.  This is especially true if you have good skin tone, but a moderate amount of excess fat. If that’s the case, this way be the way for you.