Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Skin Care - Do You Sweat Excessively

If you feel that you sweat excessively, please consult your doctor and find out. There is no measurement of normal sweating. So each of us have to find out if we are sweating excessively, normally or very less. If excess perspiration is your problem, find out more about it below. Please note that excessive sweating may be of two types. In the first instance your body naturally sweats more and in the second instance, you sweat more because of some conditions and diseases. The first condition is called primary hyperhidrosis and the second one is called secondary hyperhidrosis. In primary hyperhidrosis excess sweating occurs mostly on hands, feet and armpits.

Common reasons for excess sweating-

Some foods and drinks can make you sweat excessively. Drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine may induce excess sweating. Similarly some spicy food may make some people sweat heavily.

Excessive sweating may also be due to hereditary reasons. Please find out if your parents also had this problem.

If you are on medication, find out from your doctor if they are causing excessive sweating. Some drugs induce heavy sweating.

Women going through menopause may get hot flashes and excess sweating. Similarly males who have low levels of male hormone testosterone may experience hot flashes.

Some diseases and conditions can produce profuse sweat. Heart attack, malarial fever, other fevers, thyroid condition, tuberculosis, some fevers, low blood sugars and other diseases may make you sweat excessively. You should consult your doctor about these conditions.

Please consult your doctor if you suddenly break into cold sweat. That may be emotional in origin or physical. Similarly if you find a sudden change in body odor, you should tell your doctor about that. You may suffer some problems if you sweat excessively compared to others. Your toenails may develop fungal infections. Athletes foot may be another problem, as may be jock itch. For primary hyperhidrosis many treatments are available that can control the sweat within acceptable limits. Keeping yourself clean and dry at all times is another way of maintaining good hygiene.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.